Topic: distance
Our chosen theme is distance. All films submitted to this competition have to be connected to this topic in some way. Remember to explore the different meanings this word can have while brainstorming your film ideas!
What do I need to to do?
- Read the article “Mobile Movies” to get some inspiration.
- Brainstorm any ideas you have that are related to the competition theme: distance
- Read the tips and tricks for making your own smartphone film below.
- Make your own film using one or more smartphones.
- Upload your film on to Facebook and make sure you tag us (@SpotlightMagazine) in your post, so that we can see your film.
- Please note that films should be no longer than 3 minutes long.
- The language used in your film should be English.
Tips and tricks for making your own smartphone film
- Stabilize the image using a tripodStativtripod, a non-mechanical gripGriff, Halterunggrip, Gimbal or OIS (optical image stabilizer).
- Download a camera app, such as FiLMiC Pro, to help you control focus, exposureBelichtungexposure and white balanceWeißabgleichwhite balance in your image.
- Use an external microphone to optimize sound quality.
- Choose your location carefully — avoid noisy places.
- Consider the framing of each shot before filming.
- Change the angleBlickwinkel, Perspektiveangle if the lighting isn’t right.
- Consider the plot while editing — is your story easy to follow?
What could I win?
The three best entries will receive a copy of the film guide What to Watch When.
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