Machen Sie bei unserem Kreuzworträtsel mit und gewinnen mit etwas Glück.
Ten winners will be chosen from the entries we receive by 6 October 2022. Each winner will be sent a copy of Contemporary New Zealand Short Stories by courtesy of Reclam.
The answer to the 09/22 puzzle was "peninsula". Congratulations to the winners:
Birgit Olewicki
Christa Müller
Christian Baumheier
Daniela Winkler
Gerhard Blings
Karin Büntemeyer
Kerstin Linhardt
Manuel Denton
Michael Falb
Nesrin Cömer
Download this issue’s crossword puzzle.
Crossword 11/2022
The words in this puzzle are taken from the Travel article. You may find it helpful to refer to the text on pages 38–44.