Any questions?

    Spotlight Übungsheft 5/2017
    Fragen nach einer Präsentation
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    Do you have a question for Ken Taylor? Then send it to: If your question is published in Spotlight, you’ll receive a copy of the book: Dear Ken... 101 answers to your questions about business English.


    Exercise: Any questions?

    Any questions? In the article How to fend off tricky questions in style, Ken Taylor tells you how to deal with questions after a presentation. Here, you can practise what you have learned.

    Someone has asked a question, and instantly your mind goes blank. Perhaps you just don’t know the answer. What do you do?

    Step 1
    Breathe — what feels like a lengthy silence to you is only seconds. Allow yourself some thinking time.
    Step 2
    Play for time — ask the questioner to repeat or rephrase the question to make sure you have understood it.
    Step 3
    If you really don’t know the answer, don’t be ashamed. Instead, adopt the attitude “I don’t know but I’d like to”, and ask if anyone else can help.
    Step 4
    If all else fails, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out” is a good answer to use. Offer your e-mail address, or collect business cards for further correspondence.



    Related article

    This exercise is based on the following article:

    Article: How to fend off tricky questions in style

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