Singapore’s Changi Airport, voted the world’s best airport year after year, has exotic things to see, including a butterfly enclosureSchmetterlingshausbutterfly enclosure with more than 1,000 of the beautiful insects, and huge gardens showing off countless flowers. This spring, Israeli-Canadian architect Moshe Safdie added another attraction: a huge glass building called Jewel, inspired by the 2009 science-fiction film Avatar. It is filled with 2,000 trees and has the world’s largest indoor waterfall.
“I was interested in the notionVorstellungnotion that you could take a busy place — an airport and a marketplace ... with hundreds of shops and all that comes with it,” Safdie told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, “and cohabithier: zusammenbringencohabit it with a magical park ... which is relaxing and sereneruhig-heiterserene, and is the escape from all of that busyness.”
The doughnut-shaped building, which connects the terminals to public transportation, to funnelhier: leitenfunnels the rain from its roof towards an opening at its centre. gravitySchwerkraftGravity then sends the water down into the interior to form a cylindrical, 40-metre-long waterfall. Called the Rain Vortex, the column of water is surrounded by a forest and plenty of walking trailWanderwegwalking trails — making this building a globetrotter’s paradise.
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