Back in May, Britain suffered a major sporting humiliationDemütigung, Blamagehumiliation when Tom Kopke from Germany won the annual Gloucestershire cheese-rolling contest. Brits asked themselves if this was the beginning of the end for their many national sports. Was the ancient skill of welly wanging (UK ifml.)Gummistiefelweitwurfwelly wanging next?
The first welly was thrown competitively in Yorkshire in the 1970s. Since then, people from all over the UK have honeverbessern, perfektionierenhoned their welly-wanging skills and bravely wanged boots backwards or forwards (Dunlop size 9 (UK)Schuhgröße 43size 9 green boots are standard) at championships around the country.
The annual Welly Wanging World Championships is held in the West Yorkshire village of Upperthong. One of the furthest wangs ever was almost 64 metres. It was achieved by Teppo Luoma – from Finland.
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