A passion for politics

    Spotlight 1/2017
    Robin Markwell, Reporter für die BBC über politische Themen.
    © Johnson, Wendy
    Von Wendy Johnson

    My name is Robin Markwell. I am 35 years old and a political producer and reporter for the BBC Bristol in the west of England. The beauty of my job is that every day is different. I produce a weekly show, so it’s geared towards sth.auf etw. ausgerichtetgeared towards when we record on Fridays.

    At the start of the week in the mornings, we are thinking about what sort of stories we might to cover sth.etw. abdecken; über etw. berichtencover. In our show, we’ll always have a couple of live guests — senior politicians from our area — so I normally ring some of those to see who might be available and who might be best placed to comment on whatever stories we to anticipateerwarten, voraussehenanticipate coming up by the end of the week.

    The beauty of my job is that every day is different

    In the afternoons, we are out reporting. I usually book a cameraman, who will go out with a reporter — possibly me — to cover whatever is happening. We are
    often visited by Westminster politicians who are to be keen to (UK)sehr darum bemüht seinkeen to promote their hier: Sache, Anliegencausecause. Because Britain now has a political system in which there are five serious parties, we are never short of people to interview. Often, we will be travelling around our patch (UK ifml.)Fleck, Revierpatch, trying to find politicians to speak to about whatever the issue might be on that particular day.

    We get very used to interviewing well-known figures, such as Jeremy Corbyn, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. The challenge is to find new and different questions to ask them that might to tease outherauskitzelntease out something a little more newsworthyberichtenswert, aktuellnewsworthy than what you expect a politician to say. Our job at the BBC is really to go a little deeper with stories, to find something that might stand out and might travel beyond sth.über etw. hinaus, weiter als etw.beyond the region in which we to broadcastsendenbroadcast. We’re always keen if our stories are picked up by network news or — now that we live in a digital age — can travel on social media, too.

    It’s not just politicians that we speak to, though. We also talk to senior figures, celebrities, anyone with a political thought that might be of interest. We like to think of it as “politics with a small p”. Often, the people who most to chime with sb. (UK)mit jmdm. übereinstimmenchime with the audience aren’t politicians. They could be comedians or actors, more surprising guests — perhaps a novelist or someone who can speak beyond what politicians might usually say.

    We like to think of it as “politics with a small p”

    Doing the job that I do, I get to meet all sorts of people, among them the most important people in the country. Last year, I got to interview then prime minister, David Cameron, at Number 10 Downing Street, which was thrillingspannend, aufregendthrilling and slightly scary. I was kept in the official Downing Street library waiting for the prime minister to to emergeauftauchen, erscheinenemerge, and was then told I had five minutes during which I could ask him whatever I liked. I looked up, and there was the prime minister, flanked by sb.flankiert von jmdm.flanked by perhaps a dozen or so special advisers, press secretaryPressesprecher(in)press secretaries and civil servantBeamte(r)civil servants; and there was I alone in a chair. But when the recording light goes on, you’re the one in be in chargedas Sagen habencharge. It is a thrilling thing to know that the answers you might receive could make the national news that night.

    Often, when I get home, I just want to switch off, having covered politics all day. I’ll see my children, put them to bed and to catch up with sb.hier: sich erzählen, 
was tagsüber los warcatch up with things with my wife. Or maybe, if we can find a babysitter, we’ll go to see a film or we’ll go to the theatre and try to get away from politics, of which there’s so much during the day. But I really do love my job, because you get to speak to anyone and everyone, and we have the freedom to choose our own topics. I find it a thrilling job, and I hope to continue doing it long into the future.


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    Exercise: A BBC reporter
    Audio: BBC producer Robin Markwell

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