A palindrome is a word, phrase or series of words that reads the same backwards and forwards. It comes from the Greek “palindromos”, which means “running back again”.
The best palindromes are those consisting of words we actually use — not obscurehier: unbekanntobscure words that only technically qualify as such.
That’s what makes the palindrome “racecar” so good — like “Was it a cat I saw?” and “Madam, I’m Adam”. The onomatopoeiclautmalerischonomatopoeic word “tattarrattat”, reportedlyangeblich, Berichten zufolgereportedly created by Irish writer James Joyce (1882–1941), seems too convenientpassend, praktisch, geeignetconvenient. Still, the word, which describes the sound of someone knocking on a door, is a well-known example of a long, one-word palindrome.
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