vibrantkräftig, leuchtendVibrant designs, colorful patterns, floral printBlumendruckfloral prints, and a Palm Beach setting: The Lilly Pulitzer dress pioneer sth.etw. den Weg bereitenpioneered a new direction for women’s fashion.
In the early 1950s, newly married Lillian “Lilly” Pulitzer settled in Palm Beach, Florida, and set up a juice stand, using oranges from her family’s groveHaingroves. To hide the juice stainFleckstains on her clothes, Lilly asked a local dressmaker to design a patternedgemustertpatterned dress. She liked it so much that she began to sell hand-printed dresses from her stand. In 1959, Lilly founded Lilly Pulitzer, Inc., to launch sth.etw. auf den Markt bringenlaunch a range led by her signaturecharakteristisch, eigensignature shift dressShiftkleidshift dress: the “Lilly.” Colorful and sleeveless, with boldkräftig, gewagtbold motifs, the style was a big hit with Lilly’s society friends. And when Jackie Kennedy was pictured wearing a Lilly, everybody suddenly wanted one.
A creative bohemianunkonventioneller, künstlerischer Menschbohemian, Lilly loved designing, and her business was a global success until she closed its doors in 1984. The brand relaunched in 1994 and is now based in Miami, a short drive from Lilly Pulitzer’s original juice stand.
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