Insider English​

    Spotlight 13/2023
    © Georg Lechner
    Von Vanessa Clark

    There used to be a big sign in the arrivals hall at Manchester airport: “You’re welcome to London.” It gave a lot of passengers quite a shock – “London? Why London? Aren’t we in Manchester?” But look closely! The sign didn’t say “Welcome to London” but “You’re welcome to London” – which means something along on the lines of London könnt ihr euch an den Hut stecken, London könnt ihr gerne behalten or Wer braucht schon London? The sign was a clever trick by the City of Manchester to promote itself as a better alternative to the capital.​

    We explore similar potentially confusing phrases in English. The words are all very simple, but as a phrase, they might not mean what you first think. For each of the phrases, choose the correct meaning.




    You might not know these words from the quiz:

    casual: locker, leger​
    miserably: elendig​
    fatal: tödlich​
    cake smash: Tortenschlacht​
    peeve (ifml.): Ärgernis​
    sympathetic: mitfühlend​
    raised eyebrow: Stirnrunzeln​
    escalator: Rolltreppe​

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