Germany and America? The connection is stronger than you may think. Test your knowledge of German-American history and culture with our short quiz.
When you've completed the quiz, scroll down below to find additional information and videos related to some of the questions. But don't to peekspickenpeek before you've finished!
Further information and videos
Question 1:
According to the US censusVolkszählungCensus Bureau, around 46 million Americans claim German ancestryHerkunftancestry. That makes German-Americans the largest national ethnic group in the USA. (Sources: The Economist; The New York Times).
Question 2:
The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by John Augustus Roebling in the 1860s. Born in Mühlhausen, ThuringiaThüringenThuringia, in 1806, Roebling to emigrateauswandernemigrated to the USA in 1831. However, he never actually saw the finished bridge — tragically, he died of tetanus in 1869. The bridge was completed under the supervisionhier: Leitungsupervision of his son, Washington Roebling, and daughter-in-lawSchwiegertochterdaughter-in-law, Emily Warren Roebling, in 1883.
Question 3:
Find out more about the Marshall Plan in this informative video.
Question 4:
Dr. Seuss (real name: Theodor Seuss Geisel) wrote classics like The Cat in the Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Question 6:
All of the listed states are larger than Germany! By area, Alaska is almost five times bigger than Germany. Texas is roughly twice the size, and California around 1.2 times larger. The closest in size is Montana, which is slightly bigger than Germany.
Question 9:
Texas German and Pennsylvania German (also called Pennsylvania Dutch) are still spoken in some US communities today. You can listen to examples of both dialects below.
Listen to an example of Texas German:
Source: YouTube
Listen to an example of Pennsylvania German:
Source: YouTube
Read more about the USA in our article “Making America good again” and other US-themed piecehier: Artikelpieces in issue 11/17 of Spotlight.