Fender guitar​

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    Its body curves like a sea creature. Six stringSaite​strings stretch along its neck. Its shape and sound have inspired many musicians: the Fender guitar.​

    From an early age, Clarence Leonidas “Leo” Fender was fascinated by electronics. In 1938, he opened a repair shop in Fullerton, California, which became Fender Electric Instrument Company. Leo and his team focused on designing and making guitars and amplifierVerstärker​amplifiers. Their mass-produced solid-bodyMassivkorpus-​solid-body electric guitars to coincidezusammentreffen​coincided with the birth of rock and roll.​

    In 1950, Fender began selling the space-agefuturistisch​space-age-looking Esquire guitar, to refine sth.etw. verfeinern, weiterentwickeln​refined it into the Broadcaster and renamed it the Telecaster. Next came the Precision Bass and then, in 1954, the all-new Fender Stratocaster. Well balanced, with a double-horned bodyKorpus mit beidseitigen Aussparungen​double-horned body shaped for comfort, the Stratocaster had three pick-upTonabnehmer​pick-ups and a vibrato system. It to wow sb. (ifml.)jmdn. begeistern, umhauen​wowed guitarists across the world.​

    Leo Fender died in 1991, but his name and company live on. Although he was a musical geniusGenie​genius, he never did learn to play the guitar.​

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